PSALMS 85:4-9
Now restore us again, O God of our salvation. Put aside your anger against us once more. 5 Will you be angry with us always? Will you prolong your wrath to all generations? 6 Won’t you revive us again, so your people can rejoice in you? 7 Show us your unfailing love, O Lord, and grant us your salvation. 8 I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, for he speaks peace to his faithful people. But let them not return to their foolish ways. 9 Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him, so our land will be filled with his glory.

Over the past two millennia the church has continued to advance. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God has used His people to establish righteousness, bring renewal, and turn nations towards Himself. We have seen God move across this world. From its humble beginnings in an upper room where 3000 got saved in one day, to the many movements throughout the west coast, including Azuza street, Billy Graham crusades, and the Jesus people movement, millions have come to know Christ. We have seen moves of God in the Northeast with over 1 million gathering in prayer during the times of the Fulton street revival. We have seen God move in the southeast through movements such as Lakeland and Brownsville. We have seen God move throughout the United States, but not here in Omaha…yet.

The fact that God has moved in countless places before, begs the question to be asked, “God, why not here?” The truth is, God is wanting to move everywhere, He is merely looking for people who will be available for Him to move through. Revival has already come, and it has come through Jesus. But He is looking for people to continue this great awakening through. Let it be us. Let it be here. Let it be now.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for your love for the midwest. We long to see you reign over this land, and bring renewal. Bring renewal to families, marriages, and lives. We humbly come before you, with repentant hearts. Your ways are greater, and we submit to you. We pray for a mighty move of God across this region. That people would turn to you, governments would fear you, businesses would honor you, schools would teach you, churches would reflect you, and Christians would know you. Let us be conduits of heaven. That we in 2025 would see our city, awakened to come alive in Christ.
