1 Thessalonians 4:1-3
“Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more. For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, your sanctification.”
We live in an individualistic society. America affords us many great freedoms and opportunities. Make no mistake, I am very grateful for our country. The gospel of Jesus Christ has flourished in America, and around the world, because of the freedoms America provides her citizens. Nevertheless, one of the consequences this freedom has devolved into is the elevation of self. Pope John Paul the 2nd said, “Freedom is having the ability to do what you ought, not what you want.” Unfortunately, many of us don’t use it that way.
Even though freedom can actually cloud our ability to see clearly in some areas, scripture is very clear about what God’s will for us is. Plainly, the will of God for our lives is our sanctification. Sanctification simply means to be set apart as holy; to be conformed to the image of Christ; to become more like Jesus (Romans 8:29). The Apostle Paul then goes on in 1 Thessalonians 4 to list several specifics: sexual purity, self-control, unity, love for neighbor, and holiness generally. This list is clearly not exhaustive. It would take a much longer writing to exhaust all of the specific ways the Holy Spirit conforms us to the image of Christ.
“The will of God for our lives is our sanctification.”
The point being made is simple. Let us not over-complicate how we should go about pursuing God’s will for our life this year. We should not make it into some grandiose, 5 step plan to your best life. Life is not about your comfort. Life is not about running up the scoreboard with money or success or accomplishments. Life is about submission; submitting to authority, submitting to the Lordship of Christ, submitting to the work of the Holy Spirit, submitting to the Word of God. My charge to you today is this: humble yourself before the Lord. Seek His will for your sanctification. See if there be any wicked way within you (Psalm 139:24). See where The Vine can bear fruit in your life this year. There are many ways in which the Lord can prune and sanctify you. Let it be according to HIS plan, not yours.
Father, I pray today that you would lead me into Truth. I submit to the work of the Spirit in my life this year. I ask that you conform me into YOUR image in 2025, not my own idolized image. If there be sin or evil or wickedness in me, reveal it to me that I may confess and repent. If there be an area of growth, help me to take steps of faith towards bearing fruit. If I need to make adjustments, correct and reprove me to get back on the path of righteousness. I pray thy will be done in my life, not mine. I ask for mercy as I stumble at times to submit to your work. Be gracious to me as I walk in your ways. Lead me into all that you have for me this year. I trust you to work all things for my good, even though my definition of good is often not the same as yours. Thank you for your Spirit’s leading. Be with me this year. Amen.
Caleb Palensky
Church Care Leader
Think on the things that you want for yourself in 2025 and write them down in a notebook or journal. Then in a moment of prayer with God, turn them over to Him. Ask God to convict you where you need convicted, and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.
Seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance for 2025, not what you can do in your own power.
Want to listen to a message that dives into this more? Check out these podcast messages from Pastor Eli Nelson.